FAQ about Dogs
How often do I need to walk my dog?
All dogs need at least one walk outside every day. But when it comes to more energetic breeds, you may need to walk them more frequently, and for longer periods of time.
There are other considerations to take into account, such as the age of the dog. Younger dogs are more active than older companions. Pets with injuries or chronic illnesses such as arthritis may need to walk more slowly, and might only manage a short walk at a time.
Book your dog in for a physical exam and talk to our vets regarding your dogs current physical condition and what's appropriate.
Do I need to vaccinate my dog?
Yes, the immunity from puppy vaccination weakens over time and your pet can again become susceptible to disease. Annual health checks and booster vaccinations, as required, will provide the best protection for the life of your pet.
Do I need to vaccinate my puppy?
Puppies are temporarily protected against many diseases by antibodies received through their mother’s milk. These maternal antibodies decline in the first few months of their lives, however until they drop sufficiently they can also neutralise vaccines. This is why a series of vaccinations is necessary in a puppy.
Call us to book in for your pups next vaccination and health check.
What NOT to feed your dog
AVOID these following items:
- Chocolate: Unsweetened baking chocolate is the most toxic, followed by dark chocolate, than milk chocolate. White chocolate is the least toxic variety.
- Coffee (grounds, beans, chocolate covered espresso beans)
- Mouldy or spoiled foods and compost
- Onions and onion powder
- Fatty foods
- Salt
- Sultanas, raisins or grapes
- Yeast dough
- String wrappings around rolled roasts
- Absorbent pad found under meat when wrapped on trays
Can I get worms from my dog?
The short answer is yes, many worms infesting dogs are zoonotic, meaning they can be transmitted from animals to humans. Different worms cause different diseases and each have their own symptoms. Whilst anyone can become infected by intestinal worms, children and the immunocompromised are at greater risk. One of the most important ways to reduce human exposure is regular deworming of pets.
Call us today to get your dogs worming up to date.
What poisons do I need to be aware of?
These poisons should be kept out of reach of pets or not used at all.
- Ant and roach baits
- Weed killers
- Moth Balls
- Rat baits
- Snail baits
If you suspect your dog has eaten any of the following, please call the clinic ASAP or go to emergency center if we are closed.
Have more questions?
Call our friendly staff for help.